Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cameo Convert!

Happy Thursday! Yesterday was a very special day. It was Baxter Bear's birthday. My Gremlin monkey boy is 6 years old (or so we think--he was an adoption like the others). The Giant is out of town so we will be celebrating with a special walk (just Bax and us) and a trip to River Dog Bakery ( on Saturday. Happy birthday Bax!

Over the past weekend, I was busy finishing the final purges of my scraproom for Scrappin' in the City's (my fave local scrapbooking store) yard sale. It felt so good to remove items that have been taking up space that I never got around to using. The pre-sale is tonight and the sale runs from Fri.-Sat. I am really hoping my stuff sells so I can put the proceeds towards a Silhouette Cameo.

Photo: Silhouette America shop 

I was a Cricut gal before but I recently sold my Expression and all of my cartridges/accessories on EBay. After seeing what the Cameo can do, it is safe to say that I am a convert! The cuts that this machine can make are incredible! One of the girls at "The City" (the local scrapbooking store) is working on a custom job for a customer who has traveled the world. She is making title pages that show the shape each country the client has visited. The Cameo is having no problems cutting out the shapes of countries that have the most of intricate cuts (think of the Phillipines). I was so impressed!

Are you a Cricut follower or a Cameo fan? What do you use for your die-cutting needs?

Thanks for stopping by and stay scrappy!

-Gina & the Hounds


  1. I was a Slice user. Never been much of a electric die person. But I kept seeing some of the fun stuff you can make with the Silhouette, so I got an SD. And then they came out with the Cameo right after and I was kicking myself for not waiting longer. I made myself wait at least a year and when the SD wasn't getting used, I sold it along with a huge stack of other stuff and made enough to get a Cameo. I use that MUCH more.

  2. I love my cameo, I use it all the time! I used it on the layout on my blog today, you will love it!

  3. I have a Cameo too and love it - so fun :)
