Happy Friday! I have finally completed the big project I've been working on for the past 4 months, and just in time too! Yesterday was the Giant's birthday and as a gift, I made him scrapbooks (a two volume set) of his 38 years. It was definitely a labor of love... 240+ pages (front & back). Here are some of my favorite cuts that I created with my Cameo. I am grateful to have had the Cameo for this project! It enabled me to create a truly personalized gift. The custom images below were all in jpg format. For images from the Silhouette Store, I included the image numbers so you can find them if desired.
1. Propeller hat from Tweedledee & Tweedledum-Alice in Wonderland
Found image on internet, traced, edited, & cut!
2. Buffalo Bills logo for card and window sticker.
Found image, traced, edited, & cut!
3. Old WWF wrestling logo.
Found, traced, edited, and cut!
4. Cruise Ship from Silhouette store.
Print and cut image #11124.
5. Motorcycle from Silhouette Store.
Image #59834
6. Little Shop of Horrors lettering
Found, traced, edited, & cut!
7. Deadly Venus Flytrap from Little Shop
Found, traced, edited, & cut!
8. Emerson College logo
Found, traced, edited, & cut!
9. Greek alphabets 1-4 from Silhouette Store.
Image #'s 6771, 6755, 6749, 6858
10. Starfish from Silhouette Store
Image # 17461
What have you created with your Cameo recently?
Thanks for stopping by and stay scrappy!
-Gina & the Hounds